Monday, February 28, 2011

【Dizziness】【Meniere's disease】めまい/メニエール病

Client: Ms. H in her 60's

In the past 6 months, she had been suffering from dizziness, ear ringings, headache and feeling nauseous. She was diagnosed as Meniere's disease. Severe dizziness attacked her sometime, and she could not even be standing, "I am scared of going out alone. What is going to happen to me..." as Ms. H saying.

She had suffered a strong impact on her head and jar which made her almost faint.
When a part of skull, which is related to ear, has a large contortion, it could affect your sense of balance. I mainly adjusted her skull which is the cause of contortion, along with other related bones, slowly and gently.

After 5 months of aligning, her dizziness and ear ringings have improved gradually, and now there's no headache, no feeling of nauseous.

She came by the other day with her happy face along with her granddaughter saying "I can now take a nice walk together with her!".

By Tetsuro Yogi (Mr.) 与儀哲郎
HSTi Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク

Friday, February 25, 2011


Let’s talk about asthma, a common health problem.

She is 7 yrs old with lots of energies. But when she catches a bad cold, she usually ends up being hospitalized with an asthma attack.

Why did she have asthma in first place??

Her root cause of asthma must originated from contortions of having fallen down and severely hit her chin and received 7 stitches at the age of 5. Strong shock on her lower jaw must have traveled up and made the base of upper jaw also contorted. And her skeletal structures were keeping balances by contorting ribs related with lower jaw.

In this particular case, her rib # 3 and #4 were contorted, and windpipes and lunges were being under the pressure. That is why it was difficult for her to breath. Major aligning points for her were cheek bones and bones related to cheek bones.

She was breathing through her mouth instead of her nose in the beginning. As a result of continuous treatment sessions, she started to breeze through her nostrils. Skull parts adjustments made her rib contortions to align, now she breeze through her nose, and she no longer has asthma attacks.

By Ayano Uezato (Miss) 上里綾乃
HSTi Center Core, Okinawa, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク

Thursday, February 24, 2011

【Constipation】【Back ache】便秘/腰痛

Client: Ms. M in her 40's

Her original complains about her condition were back ache and shoulder ache. When I asked her other conditions, she was having serious constipation.

She had lameness around her waistline, and had also bellyache. The constipation sometimes continues for a week, and she was taking pills for it all the time.

"I have tried varieties of diets, supplements, tea, and so on, but none of them have worked so far, and I am almost giving up. Is constipation really improved by this?"

"Constipation is connected to contortions of lumbar vertebra. I know many people whose constipation have improved by aligning their contortions. Let's see!"

History of her injuries
Junior high school
   - Bruise below left knee cap by falling off bike
   - twisted both ankles by playing vollyball
High school
   - Bruise on left thigh by having metal poll fell over

The causes of her conditions were from those bruises mainly on her leg.

Bruises made contortion on her leg

Whole skeletal structures (pelvis, sacrum, lumbar vertebra, rib, cervical vertebra, skull) balanced out = contortion
Shoulder ache, back ache, constipation

I have adjusted twisted ankles, tibia, fibula, femur, sacrum, skull and rib to release contorted body slowly.

At her third visit, she happily said, "My back and shoulder pains are better, and moreover, I have a bowl movement every three day without taking pills!We continued our sessions afterward, and now she is pill free, no ache, no lameness, and the movement is happening almost everyday.

Here's her comments:
I originally came here just to improve my back ache. I did not even have a clue that the constipation was related!

by Tetsuro Yogi (Mr.) 与儀哲郎
HSTi Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Developer's Note 11/HSTD-4


Proportion of contortions

Lovett Brother Pattern recognize sacrum and back skull bone as one piece. 
But HSTi recognize and align sacrum with #1 to #5 parts, and align each of them one at a time.

In many cases, contortions are proportional.
 When sacrum #3 is contorted as left interior position, thoracic vertebra #3 is also contorted left interior and back skull #3 has contortion as left interior.

Above chart has been completed with Lovett Brother Pattern (right) and HSTi‘s patterns (left).

The Developer's Note 10/HSTD-3


This method was discovered from process of human development.
 It requires natural sea salt. Chemically treated salt is not effective.

 This treatment is necessary for clients with large and long term contortions.


How to do:
On sternum, gently apply and rub sea salt at bath time before wetting your body.
 First, take a handful of “natural sea salt” and rub down on your chest. 
Keep a bowl under to catch salt and repeat approx. 30 times by using the salt caught in a bowl.
 It is very effective for making hard and contorted bone flexible to be able to align, and it also help clearing your complexion.
 At first, skin on your chest will become clear and gradually complexion clears up also.

 It is not recommended to rub the salt directly on your face.

HSTD-3 (in details)

This method was discovered based on human development process.
 It requires natural salt made from sea water.  We call this salt "Shima masu" here in Okinawa.
In some cases, it requires a further technique along with HSTI-1 and HSTI-2 to adjust contorted bones.
 If it has been a long time since the bone contorted by strong external shock like falling from a tree or a slide during childhood, contortions don’t align very easily. This technique using natural sea salt is recommended for a client with such problems.

The origin of life started out from bottom of the ocean.
 From amoebas
to mollusks such as octopus and squids, to shrimps and crabs,
 then to horse mackerel and sardines with small bones.
 And they swam up rivers.
 They move further and further away from the sea, and they starts to suffer because they have left their origin of life, the ocean behind. 

It required strong bones to live in origin of life, in the salt water. Mackerels and Sauries became the main fishes.

 Fishes to reptiles, to mammals, then to human beings. 
Bones has a long developing history which started out back many many years ago.


To bring back bones to fully alive conditions, ingredients form the ocean is very effective.
 To use "Natural salt" on your body is to bring back a part of life source, the ocean to your body.
 When your bone comes back fully alive, they make skeletal structures with strength and flexibilities.

I’d like to recommend it as a health method as well as a beauty method.

BTW, above mentioned sea foods in are my favorites...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

【Lower Backache】腰痛 Part 2 of 2

Years of backache.  A very first treatment may relieve a long term problem.  

Continued from this article;

The same client visited us for his second treatment. He said as leaving, "My lower backache is gone.  And not only that, it seems the whole body feels better."
I was very glad to see him going home with happy results and smiles.

Aligning points of this client was;
Skull&Sacrum, a bone located in the center of pelvis

Many clients are surprised, when we tell them about “skull aligning”. "While my lower back is hurting, you are going to work on my skull!?", the first time clients often say that. It must be because there is hardly anyone who does “skull aligning” except HSTi. It is overlooked, butskull aligninghas very important meanings.

This client had hit back of his head as a child. The root cause of his backache was contortions of the skull from this childhood incident.

HSTi has clearly proven the synchronization of skull and sacrum.
When skull become contorted from external shocks, sacrum also contorts in synchronization with skull.

Discovery of the HSTi theory【
= when skull become contorted from external shocks, sacrum also contorts in synchronization with skullmade contortion free skeletal structures【= the body does not have re-occurring pains and discomfortpossible.

We have been treating many clients according to this HSTi theory of skeletal structures, and numerous has experienced the effects and relieves. After knowing our methods, they say
"Oh.. yes, please work on my skull!"

There are many HSTi’s specific skeletal structures theories. I would love to introduce them in time to come.

By Kosuke Ito (Mr.) 伊藤浩介
HSTi Center Core, Okinawa, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク

The Developer's Note 9/HSTD-2

This discovery may sounds unconvincing.
 According to current anatomy, it is known that sacrum is build with 5 separate parts.
 And back skull bone also structured with 5 separate bones. I numbered them 1 to 5 from top to bottom myself for convenience.

With this discovery, results of aligning have dramatically increased. 
Especially problems of head such as head, ear, nose, eyes and mouth discomfort


To be able to recognize 5 separate parts of back skull requires training and experiences.


Shown below is an alignment of left back skull #3 by HSTI-2. 
Weight used is 1.5kg  wrist weight.
 This client fell down and hit her left shoulder hard as a child.
 She has hearing difficulties due to a contortion of thoracic vertebra #3 by this incident. Her back skull #3 also contorted to keep the balance of skeletal structures. 

This HSTI-2 is an old type model.

Current anatomy doesn't explain that back skull has 5 separate parts as #1 to #5. 
In spite of what is known, you will be able to feel nose and ear cartilages in between 5 separate parts are described with an illustration earlier with some training/experiences. 

As it is explained in HSTD-4 (proportion of deformation), when you learn to precisely read and recognize contortions of sacrum #1 to #5, you will also be able to feel and recognize back skull bone #1 to #5.


Aligning treatments of skull is very sensitive. Please don't try on your own.
 Please receive trainings from HSTi.

The Developer's Note 8/HSTD-1

HSTD-1 (“ROLL” technique)

This Method was discovered according with the process of human body developments. Rock a client's body left and right while he/she is in prone position. This is an extremely important technique in HSTi. Also it’s a tremendous discovery. We use it for every clients and every treatment sessions. And it is a health maintenance method recommended for anyone.

HSTD-1 (in detail)

As mentioned earlier, this treatment method was discovered based according to human body developments. It is often said that lower back pains, headache and sore shoulders occur because human walk on two feet. Zoologists say that most of the animals live up to their life spun.

Why human have so many diseases, and so many aches and pains?

In so many cases, animals walk on their four feet recover quickly, even after they get hit by a car. They may not move around for a short period, but in a several days they seem to completely recuperate. 

My dog used to love sitting on a window frame. 
One day he fell off from 1 meter high, and I found his lumber vertebra was contorted after that. 
He could hardly walk for 2-3 days, and when he started to run around again, 
I found the contortion on his lumber had been disappeared.
 It really was a mystery to me.

I kept thinking "Why?" and "How?" for days. 
One day, an inspiration struck me. "Is it because he walks on four feet!?" Then I tried a few experimentation to confirm the inspiration.
 I tried 'crawling', and tiredness after playing golf was relieved, 
fatigue from fishing after having stood in a hard ground balancing my body, was also relieved.

A client with severe strained back called up, so I asked him to try 
'crawling' in a small room. When he called me again, he was relieved from the pain and was very happy. 

Another client with a headache had contorted cervical vertebra #1, and I also asked him to 'crawl'. He noticed the headache was lightened while crawling.


For a while, I was asking Clients to 'crawl' during a treatment session, but it took a lot of their limited appointment time. 
So I started to try rocking their body side to side by grabbing their pants’ waist. 
The result was better than 'crawling'. 

After switching 'crawling' to 'rolling', treatment effects considerably increased. 

As it will be explained in HSTD-4, contortions synchronize. When 'rolling' is applied after sacrum #3 is aligned, a contortion of thoracic vertebra #3 become almost aligned to normal position. 

It’s just like a twisted garden hose straightens when it is shaken.

Currently how to apply 'roll' is to support right under greater trochanter while a client is in prone position, and bounce his/her body side to side. 
As a self maintenance method, 'crawling' is very effective. 
In a small room, get down on your hands and knees, and focus your eyes in between your hands.
 Turn to the left 7 times slowly. 
Afterward, stand up and bend your knees for a few times. Or stand with your feet shoulder width apart, and turn your hips to LEFT (anti-clock wise) for 10-20 times. LEFT turn ONLY. Repeat it everyday, morning and evening.
 You will feel your body lighter and refreshed.

The Developer's Note 7

HSTi is abbreviation of Human Success Techniques & intelligence.
HST has several original inventions and discoveries.
 I introduce HSTi to an open public without claiming patents.
 My desire is HSTi to help bring health and happiness to every mankind all over the world.

Items HST invented are called HSTIs. 

Techniques HST discovered are called HSTDs.


This tool is used to align slanting bones and posterior direction contortions. 
To align and adjust a contortion "gradually" back to the normal location/position,
 amount of weight is carefully chosen according to each client’s contortion and bone conditions.

80% of HST treatment relies on this tool.
 Used for the hip joints, sacrum, lumbar vertebrae, thoracic vertebra, ribs cervical vertebrae and skull.


This tool is used to align lateral contortions.
 For precise "gradual" aligning, carefully apply pressure on the contorted point. 

From my experiences, it is used more for clients with rather serious conditions. 
Used for hip joint, sacrum, lumbar vertebra, thoracic vertebra, ribs cervical vertebrae and skull.

*pictures shown above are both old model.

The Developer's Note 6

Why adjust skeletal Structures?

There have got to be some other ways. Nutrition must be the most important to maintain health. No, the most important must be environment. Nah! It's got to be mind conditions. If you are stress free...etc, etc..... 
There are so much information available.
Let's use the Stonehenge in England as an example and how things really are.....


The peaceful mind is essential for maintaining your health.
Your health become affected by psychological shocks which affect pulse speed and mental pressures and so on. Religions and philosophies are important to keep peace of mind. Some say that to build strong mind power by Zen and meditation is the key for long life to live, and some say that to relive stress by recreations such as Karaoke and hobbies is the way.

Maintaining health becomes difficult, if you are malnourished. Food supplements are quite helpful and they have been becoming very popular. I have included health goods (i.e. magnetic products, futons and pillows) in this category as they are self supply able items.

For health maintenance, it’s not that easy to choose a living environment. Recent years we are becoming a lot more aware about creating better environment. Medical technology and environmental hygiene have improved, and epidemics are seldom compare to a past.
Fear of wars is decreasing (viewpoint of Okinawa was a battle field during WWII). It is nice time to be able to try maintaining good health.

Skeletal Structures
It must be the first time to see a category of skeletal structures as a health maintenance topic. It doesn't only mean bones. It includes the entire skeletal structures including bones and cartridges. This category will not be divided into subject.

Illustration on left shows importance of Mind, Food, Environment and Skeletal Structures with percentages.
Mind                10%
Food                10%
Environment     10%
Bone structure  70%

You’re thinking, “Are you sure?”
Do you think I’m kidding?
Next illustration is showing a pyramid.
You see! Mind is the first thing.

It is WRONG !!!

Mind is important.
Food is essential.
Environment is also necessary.
Skeletal Structures are so very SUPER

Even if you encounter a matter which is very painful mentally such as an awful news on TV, it will not directly harm your health. As time goes by you will recuperate and health will be restored.

It hasn't been too long since we started to have plenty of food. But a lot of people have been living to reach 100 years old. War is an example of the critical living environment,
but people can survive and learn to adjust to the new environment.

If the bone structure is in a bad condition, you will experience diseases and symptoms.

If your bone structure is normal, your resistance system works well.

Stress won't harm your body.
You can survive without food as fasting.
You won't develop asthma even you live in an environment with polluted air.
If you become like a big tree, you can survive though storms.
If your bone structure is good, you will be like a big tree.

Illustration on left is drawn with skeletal structures on the top.

This one is you are looking the same illustration from above.

You can see it clearly!
Each areas’ percentage on illustration is calculated.


Skeletal structures is what supports our health.
True health means to have a strong body which doesn't become sick.

As shown on the illustration above, if your life is build with skeletal structures as the largest stone, Mind will be stable and it will be stress free life, Any Food can be eaten with appreciation without difficult restrictions. You can help and support to create a good living Environment including trustful political systems.

Each and every one of our health affects the Earth. “Health” promotes rich Mind, supplies the world enough Food and creates Peaceful Environment.


Monday, February 21, 2011

【Hip Joint Pain】【Neck Pain】【Sore Shoulder】股関節痛/首痛/肩痛

Hip joint and other pains may be related to birth conditions.

A client came dragging her leg saying she was born with a bad hip joint. All her life she must have been covering her leg while walking. Left and right side rises on her buttocks were clearly uneven.
And for past 20 years, she has been having backaches, neck pains, sore shoulders and headaches.

Her contusion histories are:
- 13 years ago, 2 car accidents
 Both times someone crashed in to her car on the rear end. Second time crash gave her a severe whiplash.

“I was born with this body (with a bad hip joint), so cannot help but to have many problems.”, she said while rubbing her upper thigh.

In HSTi, we do not consider any problems with “heredity” and/or “born with”.
HSTi, we investigate and search the root cause of discomfort and problems. In a process of finding out origin causes of problems, we screen including birth conditions which are extremely important factors.
Natural vaginal delivery, c-section, breech birth, delivery assisted by forceps…skeletal structures receive different impact from each birth condition.

This client was born in the breech position and she was in two car accidents. According to those factors, I search through her body and found that contortions were accumulated mainly on her back skull and sacrum.

Back skull and sacrum are considered brother bones. If contortions occur in one, the other also contorts to balance each other. HSTi techniques align and rebuild skeletal structures as symmetrical as possible. Even old contortions remaining since you were born, as long as time is allowed to diligently and precisely adjust one contortion at a time slowly but surely, organs/nerves will regain functions and your body starts working normal again.

After the treatment, she touched her buttocks and said, “Oh!  My hip’s shape changed and where it was bulging is smaller now!” She also noticed walking is now a lot easier.

I would do everything I can to assist her to rid prolonged problems!

By Ayano Uezato (Miss) 上里綾乃

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Conversation with Ace’s mother

During Ace’s treatment, I had a chance to talk with his mother in a waiting area concerning his contusion/injury histories.

How were things when he was born?I asked her.

She surprisingly said,『What?  Do you mean birth conditions have something to do with health and skeletal conditions?

There is a tremendous meaning in being born through a birth canal. A baby’s skull naturally gets shaped while passing through a birth canal with a spiral movement. There his/her skull receives natural and moderate pressures. And we all know, being born through a birth canal is a very natural process, don’t we? 

Sometimes depending on the conditions of mother and/or a baby, c-section is concerned. And those baby born by c-section didn’t come through a birth canal and they didn’t have a chance to get his/her skull naturally squeezed as it should have.

If skull which should have been naturally tightened was not tightened, the un-tightened condition is also a kind of contortions, so it will affect balances of the entire skeletal structures. 

She was listening very carefully to my explanations.

Oh!  Now I remember! I have three children. The first child was born by natural delivery, and two others were born by c-section. The first child had a small head, and Ace had a big head. I wondered why his head looked sort of swollen. Somehow he looked different to me. Now I know why. 

Only a mother with many experiences in child deliveries can observe such differences. I have learned something valuable from her.

Usually, we don’t know much about our own birth conditions. We don’t even think about finding out details, and usually only thing we know is our weight at birth.

Perhaps it is a good idea to ask our mothers how our "Birthday" was, and look into the day Mom worked hard for us.

Finding out your roots and getting a chance to take one more look at your body will speed up your healing process, then it’s your chance to get the most out of HSTi skeletal structures aligning.

I, myself is one who experienced this!

Let’s thank our mothers lots and lots!

Happy and Healthy with HSTi!

By Sadami Kanekodan (Mrs.) 兼箇段禎美
HSTi Shuttle Care, Okinawa, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク

【Stoop】 猫背

How did it occur?

'I want something to be done for my stoop.
She came to us with desperation.
Dancing is her hobby, and during practice her posture is corrected often.  No matter how hard she tries basic forms don’t look right and she was very frustrated. She had some health concerns also, but her priority was to get her “stoop” taken care of.

As I checked her body, ribs, of course, but also skull contortions were quite large……

She said she never had a back injury. Then how come her back/ribs are contorting so much?

BECAUSE…. If you happen to hit your leg against something, needless to say the part of your leg contorts. With the contortion, you as a human walk and live standing on 2 legs everyday. We all stand vertical to the ground. Our body is always keeping head horizontal to the Earth’s axis. So the entire skeletal structures are keeping balanced and rebalancing constantly. And to level the contorted part, other contortions are created to keep the balance of entire skeleton.

When you are stacking a “Jenga” piece a little bit to right, then next one a little bit to left and keep on repeating, you can stack them up high. If you try staking all of them toward right, you won’t be able to stack them up because they will keep on falling down.  Human skeletal structures naturally always keep even balance naturally like stacking Jenga.

In this client’s case, she had a severe injury on her skull, and also had an old leg injury from playing sports. Contortions from those incidents slowly and gradually made her stoop. 

She has been visiting us once a week, and I have been majorly aligning her skull and legs. A treatment after another, her stoop improved and her neck also became more movable.  Then of course dancing became more fun for her.

After 5 months had passed since her first visit., she told me, 

"You know, I had my physical examination the other day.  My blood pressure had been high, but now it’s normal.  Is this something to do with this treatment I have been receiving?"

"Sure!  Ms. ○○, your request was to straighten your back, but many of our clients come here to improve their health issues."

"Really??  I didn’t know that.  Wow, this is cool!  My blood pressure is normal now and only thing different I have been doing is coming here and getting my body aligned.  Also my body feels lighter and fresh lately. I never knew it was because of this. This is great!  Does it work for diabetes also?"

"Yes, of course.  Whatever a problem your body has is due to contortions of skeletal structures which serving as a container.  And functions of contents such as nerves or organs etc. deteriorate due to being under pressures of contorted bones.  We believe deterioration is results of contortions of skeletal structures. Contortions always appear on the area relating to problems, that’s why we align those contortions."

"The body become straight and physical problems disappear, too, right?  This is something!"

At first, she only asked for her stoop to disappear. Now her health problems also disappear, and with her own body she could feel and recognized the effect of HSTi.

"I want to tell many people about this treatment.  Please let me know about all the shops in our area!", and she took HSTi shop listing chart with her.

Align and adjust the total balance of the body, HSTi is one and only super therapy.

By Shoko Hokama (Mrs.) 外間尚子
HSTi Center Core, Okinawa, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク

【Lower Backache】腰痛 Part 1 of 2

Years of backache.  A very first treatment may relieve a long term problem. 

'I’ve gone to many therapies trying to get rid of my lower backache, acupuncture, Japanese Seitai, chiropractics… you name it. I kept on trying, but nothing worked for me so far.'

He has been suffering from lower backache since he was in a middle school. He happens to know a client of ours, and she told him about HSTi.
'Try it anyway!Their treatment methods don’t hurt. You may wonder if it’s effective or not.  But I think you will find out it does work!'

"You may wonder if it is effective or not about treatment involves no pain." Many of our clients comment like this about HSTi, because it is TOTALLY PAIN FREE.

After his aligning session, he told me, 'Frankly, at first I was quite skeptical. I thought how painless treatment can be so effective.  But now I feel it really works.'

"Without any pain at all, how can it work?" Many of the fist timers to HSTi say so.

So many people seem to think;

As you already know, most of the time, pains and aches are SOS signals of the body. Pain is UNNECESSARY in the healing process. HSTi’ techniques involve NO PAIN at all. 

I will disclose the aligning method and treatment theory which improved his condition in my next article.

To be continued...

By Kosuke Ito (Mr.)
HSTi Center Core, Okinawa, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク

Friday, February 18, 2011


5 year-old S came to our place with his mother.

"He wets his bed almost everyday.  I have read your blog about bed wetter. Do you think that he will be ok as well?"

I explained to the mother that most of the cases, the cause of enuresis is misalignment of sacral bone.
S was a little scared, and asking lots of questions like if it is painful and if he gets shot and so on. I answered him that it will not hurt him at all, and if it does to let me know.

At the time of birth, he was delivered naturally,  and had never major bruises in his life so far, as the mother recalls.

After the treatment of skull and sacrum bone, I had her check the condition of his skull, and explained something she could do to him at home. I also told her to stop it if he dose not like it or it hurts him.

Though it depends on conditions, there are things you could do at home, and it does make difference, so we ask to do sometimes.

A week later, S came back. The mother told me that he did not wet his bed from the following day of his last treatment, though he did this morning...

This is a result of the mother's efforts, and I was very happy to hear this good news.

By Tetsuro Yogi (Mr.) 与儀哲郎
HSTi Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Developer's Note 5/HSTi TREATMENT METHOD

The treatment method of "HTSi" is quite different from the chiropractic treatment, and it is ABSOLUTELY ORIGINAL. 
It is based on the chiropractic theory as far as correction of contorted bones, however, it does not use the "cracking" technique.
 My original method bring the dislocated bones into the original positions "gradually". I would like to show you why and how this specific technique is very effective.

Unbalanced body
Balanced body

If a skeleton has contortions and/or twists caused by external shocks, the structures will look crooked as shown on the right.  

Contortions do NOT disappear by themselves no matter how long it has been since any incidents. 
Various discomforts will be experienced, when the skeletal structures have contortions.

Usually a person does not realize how crooked his/her skeletal structures are, even if he/she is experiencing discomfort and problems such as back aches, headaches, shoulder pains and even serious illness.

Almost everyone seems to think their body is straight and normal unless his/her moire photo is abnormal or a tailor mentions his/her body is uneven while getting measurements. Although the person doesn’t feel any signs, it is quite normal for him/her to have contortions on the skeletal structures.

Discomfort or problems do not make bones contorted. Because of contortions on the skeleton, discomfort and problems surface. You will be surprise to see how contortions on your skeletal structures may affect you health.