Friday, February 25, 2011


Let’s talk about asthma, a common health problem.

She is 7 yrs old with lots of energies. But when she catches a bad cold, she usually ends up being hospitalized with an asthma attack.

Why did she have asthma in first place??

Her root cause of asthma must originated from contortions of having fallen down and severely hit her chin and received 7 stitches at the age of 5. Strong shock on her lower jaw must have traveled up and made the base of upper jaw also contorted. And her skeletal structures were keeping balances by contorting ribs related with lower jaw.

In this particular case, her rib # 3 and #4 were contorted, and windpipes and lunges were being under the pressure. That is why it was difficult for her to breath. Major aligning points for her were cheek bones and bones related to cheek bones.

She was breathing through her mouth instead of her nose in the beginning. As a result of continuous treatment sessions, she started to breeze through her nostrils. Skull parts adjustments made her rib contortions to align, now she breeze through her nose, and she no longer has asthma attacks.

By Ayano Uezato (Miss) 上里綾乃
HSTi Center Core, Okinawa, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク

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