HSTD-1 (“ROLL” technique)
This Method was discovered according with the process of human body developments. Rock a client's body left and right while he/she is in prone position. This is an extremely important technique in HSTi. Also it’s a tremendous discovery. We use it for every clients and every treatment sessions. And it is a health maintenance method recommended for anyone.
HSTD-1 (in detail)
As mentioned earlier, this treatment method was discovered based according to human body developments. It is often said that lower back pains, headache and sore shoulders occur because human walk on two feet. Zoologists say that most of the animals live up to their life spun.
Why human have so many diseases, and so many aches and pains?
In so many cases, animals walk on their four feet recover quickly, even after they get hit by a car. They may not move around for a short period, but in a several days they seem to completely recuperate.
My dog used to love sitting on a window frame.
One day he fell off from 1 meter high, and I found his lumber vertebra was contorted after that.
He could hardly walk for 2-3 days, and when he started to run around again,
I found the contortion on his lumber had been disappeared.
It really was a mystery to me.
I kept thinking "Why?" and "How?" for days.
One day, an inspiration struck me. "Is it because he walks on four feet!?" Then I tried a few experimentation to confirm the inspiration.
I tried 'crawling', and tiredness after playing golf was relieved,
fatigue from fishing after having stood in a hard ground balancing my body, was also relieved.
A client with severe strained back called up, so I asked him to try
'crawling' in a small room. When he called me again, he was relieved from the pain and was very happy.
Another client with a headache had contorted cervical vertebra #1, and I also asked him to 'crawl'. He noticed the headache was lightened while crawling.
For a while, I was asking Clients to 'crawl' during a treatment session, but it took a lot of their limited appointment time.
So I started to try rocking their body side to side by grabbing their pants’ waist.
The result was better than 'crawling'.
After switching 'crawling' to 'rolling', treatment effects considerably increased.
As it will be explained in HSTD-4, contortions synchronize. When 'rolling' is applied after sacrum #3 is aligned, a contortion of thoracic vertebra #3 become almost aligned to normal position.
It’s just like a twisted garden hose straightens when it is shaken.
Currently how to apply 'roll' is to support right under greater trochanter while a client is in prone position, and bounce his/her body side to side.
As a self maintenance method, 'crawling' is very effective.
In a small room, get down on your hands and knees, and focus your eyes in between your hands.
Turn to the left 7 times slowly.
Afterward, stand up and bend your knees for a few times. Or stand with your feet shoulder width apart, and turn your hips to LEFT (anti-clock wise) for 10-20 times. LEFT turn ONLY.
Repeat it everyday, morning and evening.
You will feel your body lighter and refreshed.
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