Saturday, August 13, 2011

【Pain in legs: improved by aligning tibia, fibula and skull】足の痛み、大きくゆがみのあるケイ骨ヒ骨、頭部の調整で緩和

Ms. K comes on a weekly basis, and it has been about a month since she started. 
She came the other day with pain in her legs, "I have been feeling so much better these days, so I walked for long hours, and now my calves are in pain."

She has got bow-legs, there are large contortions on her tibia and fibula, and her pelvis is tilted. Under such conditions, walking long hours was excessive activity, and had an impact in her legs. 

"Pain, dull, pinching a nerve, I don't know how to describe, but it feels unpleasant. Will you please fix that?"

Her original complaint was difficulty breathing. I have aligned her skull and ribs mainly by last week, and the conditions has been improved so far. "I did not feel the change at all in the beginning, but now I know that I will feel better after each session."

This time, I worked mainly lower part of her body. 

"I hit my legs all the time. I find bruises without knowing when they happened.", says Ms. K.

I aligned mainly #4 line, her pelvis tilted like parallelogram, femur which was placed inward, tibia and fibula.

"I feel a bit better, but still uncomfortable." says Ms. K, and I finished with her skull #4.

She was still feeling the discomfort after the session, but by the time she was to leave, "Well, I think it better now. Yes, they are fine (as making a couple of steps). Thank you so much!"

"I am so happy that every time I come, I feel better." says Ms. K with a big smile.

She comes here every week, therefore, the speed of improvement has been accelerating.

By Shoko Hokama (Mrs.) 外間尚子
HSTi Center Core, Okinawa, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク

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