Monday, August 22, 2011

【Improvement of headache by aligning skull】毎日あった頭痛が頭部の調整で改善

Miss. A has been having headache since she was small. Her headache sometimes becomes so bad that she cannot even concentrate in school. Her mother obviously worries, and took her to many hospitals to check, but they could not find anything from MRI, CT and blood tests. She was prescribed pain killer.

"I don't know what is wrong with my child. I was introduced your place from a friend of mine, and here we are. We would like you to take a look." says the mother.

"OK. I will check where she has large contortions. Miss. A, how often do you have headache, and where?" I asked her.

"Well, it starts when I wake up in a morning. Around my temples are usually in pain as if they were tighten so hard."

I started to check, and found large contortions on her skull, and the level of her right and left cheeks were not even. She does not remember any injuries or bruises, and I had to read contortions from her body.

When I was checking her skull, I found a slight scar in her chin. "Do you remember this scar, Miss. A?"

"Oh, yeah. I was little, maybe 5 years old. "

Her mother also said, "Well, when she was little, she slipped, and had a few stitches. But could it be relevant?" She was wondering.

"Yes. When your body receive impact of some sort, your bones make contortions to make a balance of the body. For Miss. A's case, the impact on her chin made her skull contorted, which resulted in the uneven cheek. Do you see here?" I asked her to see the difference by putting my fingers in right and left sides of her cheeks.

"Oh, yes, I see the difference between right and left side."

"This contortion can be the cause of her headache, so I will start working from her skull."

I aligned her skull, especially the line related to jar to adjust her cheek line. Then I worked on related ribs and sacrum.

When she came here for her second session a week later, I asked her how often she had headache.

"After the first session, I did not have headache for about 3 days! Then, headache came back again. Does this mean that the skull went back again?", she asked.

"I think that you still have headache because there are still contortions on your cheek line. But as we do more alignment, the contortions will become smaller, so your headache should improve."

The more she comes, the less her headache ocurred.

"I cannot believe that I had such a serious headache before, which I don't at all these days. I am enjoying my time with friends!"

In the beginning she was a little worried because her headache did not go right away. But after each session, she has realized how good she feels, and gradually her pain was improved. It took her about 3 months, and now she doesn't have headache at all even during a bad weather.

By Ayano Uesato (Mrs.) 上里綾乃
HSTi Center Core, Okinawa, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク

Saturday, August 13, 2011

【Pain in legs: improved by aligning tibia, fibula and skull】足の痛み、大きくゆがみのあるケイ骨ヒ骨、頭部の調整で緩和

Ms. K comes on a weekly basis, and it has been about a month since she started. 
She came the other day with pain in her legs, "I have been feeling so much better these days, so I walked for long hours, and now my calves are in pain."

She has got bow-legs, there are large contortions on her tibia and fibula, and her pelvis is tilted. Under such conditions, walking long hours was excessive activity, and had an impact in her legs. 

"Pain, dull, pinching a nerve, I don't know how to describe, but it feels unpleasant. Will you please fix that?"

Her original complaint was difficulty breathing. I have aligned her skull and ribs mainly by last week, and the conditions has been improved so far. "I did not feel the change at all in the beginning, but now I know that I will feel better after each session."

This time, I worked mainly lower part of her body. 

"I hit my legs all the time. I find bruises without knowing when they happened.", says Ms. K.

I aligned mainly #4 line, her pelvis tilted like parallelogram, femur which was placed inward, tibia and fibula.

"I feel a bit better, but still uncomfortable." says Ms. K, and I finished with her skull #4.

She was still feeling the discomfort after the session, but by the time she was to leave, "Well, I think it better now. Yes, they are fine (as making a couple of steps). Thank you so much!"

"I am so happy that every time I come, I feel better." says Ms. K with a big smile.

She comes here every week, therefore, the speed of improvement has been accelerating.

By Shoko Hokama (Mrs.) 外間尚子
HSTi Center Core, Okinawa, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

【Dizziness after the earthquake】東北大震災以降、自分が揺れていると感じる方や、フラフラ感、めまい、メニエール病の相談が相次いでいます。

A  junior high school student, K, has been having a symptom of dizziness for about a year. Since Tohoku earthquakes in March, she has been feeling worse, and gone to see a doctor, and was diagnosed with Meniere's disease.

K's mother, who has found HSTi from the internet asked about her daughter during her first session.

"My junior high school girl says she is dizzy, so I took her to a hospital, and was told that she has Meniere's disease. I don't think that this dizziness would cure. But do you think that adjusting skeletal structures would help?"

"Since the earthquake, we have been receiving similar inquiries. I heard that it is a relatively common symptom for people who live in high-rise apartment due of the structure of buildings."

"My apartment is over 20th floor! Can it be the cause of her dizziness?"

"Not all people who live in high-rise apartments have the symptom, do they? The difference between those who have the symptom and those who don't is because of their skeletal structures.

We stand perpendicular to the earth's axis. When there are contortions on our skeletal structures, it can't make perpendicular, so our skull makes contortions to make our brain parallel and perpendicular to the axis of the earth. Therefore when our skeletal structures have contortions, our brain is constantly looking for the parallel and perpendicular position. That why some people feel dizzy." I explained.

K came to our place soon after.

"I've been feeling dizzy for about a year..." says, K, who is very pretty but looks tired and has dark shadow under her eyes. In the past she broke her leg, below her knee, but she doesn't remember right or left, so I told her to ask her mother. In the first session, I aligned her side skull, which had large contortions, and cervical vertebra #7, and rib # 7, both of them are related to side skull.

Her second session:

"How are you today? Did you ask your mom about the broken leg?"

"Well, I had completely forgotten about it..."

Since she did not have any major complaints that day, I tried to find out the place of broken bone below her knee. Upper part of her left tibia was twisted outward, middle part was twisted inward, and right tibia was in a posterior direction, toward outside.

After the aligning her legs, dark shadow under her eyes was disappeared and she said, "my head is clear." 

Our body is all connected, therefore, adjustment of an old injury, even if you think it is not relevant, becomes critical.

"Do you still feel dizzy?"

"Since the first session, I am not dizzy at all." I was very happy to hear that.

By Ikuko Amano (Ms.) 天野郁子
HSTi Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク

Friday, August 5, 2011

【Less pain in hip joint, and liver condition improved 】股関節の痛みも減り、肝臓の数値まで下がった

Mr. A has been coming to our place because of his dull pain in his hip joint. His other symptoms include gout, fatty liver, which shows outside the normal range.

The pain in his hip joint is chronic. He sometime had swollen fingers in his toes, and couldn't even walk. Due to these conditions, he came to our place, and it has been a year and a half.

In the earlier time, when he got up from the table, and sat down, he was always covering his hip joint with his hand due to the pain. "I have never had any damage on my buttocks, and no accident, so the pain must be because of aging..." said Mr. A.

It is common for many of our clients to say that there's no history of bruise, and so did Mr. A. I started to align his body from large contortions, and I was continuously looking for some hints from the conversation we had.

"Did you play any sports when you were a student?" I asked one time.

"Many! Gymnastics like mat movement, vaulting box, and balance beam..." he said.

"During practice, you must have had lots of bruises. Any stories?"

"Many!! I made a bad landing from trampoline, and hit my buttocks and head really hard. It was so painful...But it did not become bruises, and I was fine the next day."

The more we talked, the more stories of his injured history came out.

"Mr. A, those things are what we call history of bruises. They might not be a big accident or broken bones, but those impacts could make your bones contorted."

"Really? Then everyone must have many!"

"Sure, everyone including myself makes contortions without knowing it. It depends on how large the contortions are till you start having some uncomfortableness in your body. "

"I see."

"Your pain in the hip joint might be related to the incident which you his your buttocks and head. Let's start."

Sacrum, hip joint, lumbar vertebra, ribs, and skull, there are many contortions need to be aligned in his case. It has been a long time since the contund as he was a student, so contortions in his body largely remain.

I aligned to loosen up his body within limited time. Since his contortions were large, it took a while for him to actually feel the pain in his hip joint was improving. He could feel that he relaxes, and his body gets lighter after the sessions.

6 months had passed, and he had complained the pain from gout anymore.

"How is your gout these days, Mr. A?"

"Well, no pain at all."

As more sessions proceeded, he began to get up from the bed without trouble.

"My hip joint pain is improved so much recently! Still a bit of pain, but nothing like dull pain it used to be. Moreover, my recent check up showed improved condition of liver!"

It was such a happy news after a year and half. He doesn't feel pain when he sits for a long time at work now. I appreciate his patience which has kept him coming back to us for the past one year and half.

By Ayano Uesato (Ms.) 上里綾乃
HSTi Center Core, Okinawa, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

【High school athele's pain in hip joint】ソフトボールをしている高校生の股関節痛

Mr. A, a senior in high school plays softball in school. During the hard-core training before a big tournament, his hip joint started to hurt. The cause of the pain was from misalignment of his hip joint, which had occurred by sliding. Once it was aligned, his pain disappeared.

When he came to see us accompanied by his mother, he was dragging his feet. The mother said, "His hip joint started to hurt all the sudden since this morning, and he has been dragging his feet since."

"Tell me where it hurts", I asked.

"Around here", he was pointing round his right hip joint.

"I see. Have you had any bruises or something like that recently?"

"I don't think so."

"OK, I will check all of your body, and see what is causing the pain."

Mr. A slowly moved to a bed. I checked his body in standing, sitting, and prone positions, and I found that the right hip joint was placed inward. 

"Mr. A, your right hip joint is placed inward. Maybe, this is because of sliding."

"Oh, yes, I did sliding yesterday."

"OK, now I will start aligning it."

I aligned the right hip joint and thighbone by pulling outward with HSTi equipments, and also sacrum, tailbone, and rib #6, which had contortions due to effect of contorted hip joint. 
"Mr. A, how is it now?"

"I think that it is now less painful." says Mr. A, trying to move his body in many directions.

He came to see us the following day, too.

The mother says, "I was very surprised to see him walking normally after the session yesterday. But he still has some pain, so he took time off from the practice today. The tournament is in 5 days, do you think that he will be healed by then?"

"I cannot promise that, but aligning hip joint and its related bones will help to ease the pain and go away faster."

This time, I aligned hip joint, lumbar spine, rib and skull.

"How is it now?", I asked Mr. A after the second session.

"It is much better than whem I came today."

He left with his mother with much improved hip joint. 

by Shogo Amano (Mr.) 天野正護
HSTi Shuttle Care, Okinawa, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク