Tuesday, May 3, 2011

【Tailbone ache caused from falling on buttocks 】坐骨が痛くて座れなかった原因は尻もちでした

"I fell on my buttocks the other day, and since then it is too painful to sit on a hard chair." A client explains. The hip joint also is painful when she walks.

"Did it make large contortions on my bones?" she looked worried because of the severe conditions. When she fell, she only hit the left side of her buttocks on the floor, and pain was only on the side.

I checked her body, and found contortions on sacrum, hip joint, and tailbone. So I started to align in order to put all those bones back in their place, and related ribs as well.

"Don't you feel pain here?" I asked her while putting a pressure on a lower rib.

"Yes, it hurts! But why? Around the area feels strange since yesterday."

"When you hit the buttocks, the ribs will also make contortions to make balance."

After the session, she could sit on a chair, no pain.

"Well, it doesn't hurt at all! I feel so relieved."

There are always causes for your pain and conditions. We, Skeletal Structure Adjusters find those causes of your conditions.

By Ayano Uesato (Miss) 上里彩乃
HSTi Center Core, Okinawa, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク

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