Sunday, May 8, 2011

【Headache while wearing braces went away 】歯並矯正時によくおこる頭痛が無くなりました

Ms. S recently started orthodontics.
She got her tooth extracted, and every time she gets her braces tighten with wire, headache and shoulder pain become severe.

When I checked her body, her jaw, skull and cervical vertebrae had large contortions. When tooth removed or tighten with wire, not only an upper and a lower jaw, but skull and cervical vertebrae will also make contortions to make balance, which results in various cases such as headache and/or shoulder pain.

I aligned her skull and jaw, and related cervical vertebrae and ribs. After the session, the knot of pain in the head was gone, and the shoulder pain was improved.

Uncomfortable conditions during orthodontics such as headache, shoulder pain etc. can improve by adjusting the skeletal structure. 
Ms. S is going to be even more beautiful with orthodontics, and I am very much looking forward to it!

By Ayano Uesato (Miss)
HSTi Center Core, Okinawa, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

【Tailbone ache caused from falling on buttocks 】坐骨が痛くて座れなかった原因は尻もちでした

"I fell on my buttocks the other day, and since then it is too painful to sit on a hard chair." A client explains. The hip joint also is painful when she walks.

"Did it make large contortions on my bones?" she looked worried because of the severe conditions. When she fell, she only hit the left side of her buttocks on the floor, and pain was only on the side.

I checked her body, and found contortions on sacrum, hip joint, and tailbone. So I started to align in order to put all those bones back in their place, and related ribs as well.

"Don't you feel pain here?" I asked her while putting a pressure on a lower rib.

"Yes, it hurts! But why? Around the area feels strange since yesterday."

"When you hit the buttocks, the ribs will also make contortions to make balance."

After the session, she could sit on a chair, no pain.

"Well, it doesn't hurt at all! I feel so relieved."

There are always causes for your pain and conditions. We, Skeletal Structure Adjusters find those causes of your conditions.

By Ayano Uesato (Miss) 上里彩乃
HSTi Center Core, Okinawa, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク

Monday, May 2, 2011

【Acute stomachache and nausea caused from contortions of ribs 】激しい胃の痛みと、吐き気で水も飲めない!原因は肋骨の変形でした!

"I have acute stomachache and nausea, and I cannot even drink water!" This client comes every week regularly.

"Since when?", I asked.

"This morning! It was all the sudden!"

"Did you hit somewhere or do something?"


OK, then the session started.

"Ribs below your chest have contortions as if they were knocked up from below.  Didn't you fall off the bike or anything?"

"Knocking up from below??? Bicycle!? Oh, yesterday evening on the way back from grocery shopping, a person walking in front of me stopped suddenly. I tried not to hit the person, and put on the brake quickly, and then hit my chest on the end of the handlebar!"

"So, you did hit your chest!"

"But I did not fall off, and it was not that bad, I did not have bruises either."

"Our body is REALLY well made. Even a bump can make contortions on your skeletal structure in order to balance the body. You did not even think of the connection between nausea and a bump, did you? But the place you hit was an upper part of the stomach."

"I see...Well, I don't feel have nausea anymore after the session. So I totally believe it! As you said, the stomach is surrounded by ribs, so I will be careful from now on, even a slight bump!"
"Yeah, if you know the cause, it will be easier to be treated!!!"

By Ikuko Amano (Miss.) 天野郁子
HSTi Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク