Saturday, April 16, 2011

【Back pain】腰痛

Client: Mr. T in his 20's

"I was introduced by my mother's friend. My back hurts really bad, and I would like to make an appointment ASAP. Any time available today?"

Mr. T is a hairdresser. Since he hit his legs and back at a bike accident 3 years ago, he has had painful back. When he gets really busy and tired, the conditions of his back gets worse ,and it is difficult to wash customers' hair, and sometimes he just cannot go to work because of backache.

At standing position, the levels of pelvis, right and left were very different, so a belt around his waist slanted.

He got his legs wallops, which was also a cause of his backache.

"You must be having such a pain, just standing must not be easy for you."

"Sure, I am glad that you understand...My boss and colleagues think I am just being weak."

At the very first session, I aligned contortions of pelvis, sacrum, and both legs.
Afterward he said, "I can feel that my weight is on my both legs equally, and my back feels lighter."

He still comes for adjustment, and his conditions are getting better.

by Tetsuro Yogi (Mr.) 与儀哲郎
HSTi Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク

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