Saturday, March 26, 2011

HSTi’s Vision/HSTIのビジョン

HSTi's vision is:  "build a solid system to prevent illness"  for fulfilling each and every person's dreams without worrying about health issues.

Everyone has dreams want to achieve and there are a lot of important things in our life, family, friends, general everyday need, hobbies, education, career, money and so on. All of these will be fully enjoyed, when you are truly "HEALTHY". We would love to see everyone with a body which does not fall ill and enjoy life at the maximum.

Now!  Let us introduce our operations/programs to achieve our vision!

For Grown-ups

HSTi Skeletal Structures Adjustment
HSTi treatment facilities are available in various locations for your healthy and happy living and enjoy all you want to do to build your life.

HSTi as a brand New First Aid
We encourage everyone to learn HSTi Basic Techniques just as everyone should know basics of first aid and CPR, and you can take care and maintain health of your family members and friends.

Training Courses
We have several level courses available for those who want to become a S2A (Skeletal Structures Adjuster) like Mo & To and over 1000 members in several countries.

For Children
Our Future is in their hands! 

(obHSTi is a program for mothers and babies)
Just as everyone knows, babies grow inside of mother's womb. A mother with contortion free skeleton will have healthy organs that includes uterus. We recommend ladies to receive HSTi Skeletal Structures Adjustment to prepare for healthy growth of babies and natural & smooth delivery.

The most natural way for a baby to be born is through a birth canal. Yet depending on conditions/situations, sometimes other methods are often adopted. When skull of a baby didn't have a chance to be squeezed naturally, and moderately to get exact tightness at the time of birth, that is also considered contorted. Just like a tightly stretched rubber band, his/her skull remain stretched. This means the brain is in a tensed container. The brain continuously receives signals to stay tense and up tight, so the behavior of the person will be, needless to say, tense and uptight. 
Right after the birth, if his/her skull is gently treated with HSTi techniques, he/she will have much much less health and behavior problems.

Most of illness and discomforts have roots in common babyhood/childhood incidents such as falling off from a bed, falling down from a tree, falling while riding a bicycle, a ball hitting face/head hard etc. This includes incidents without fractures, cuts or open wounds. Children spend many hours in school, and naturally a lot of incidents could happen while they are playing or otherwise.

So here... we are introducing "eHSTi" program, HSTi in educational scenes. We have been working to build a system for children to receive HSTi treatments right after an incident/accident, and not wait until years later. Also receiving skeletal structures adjustment at early ages is so much better than after growing up with contorted skeletal structures and started to experience health issues. 

We believe when eHSTi is implemented in school systems, children will grow up to be adults and be free from illness and pains such as migraines, backaches etc. We would like to encourage implementation of HSTi to be in every and each school for happy and healthy future of children all over the world.

 “eHSTi Program Lectures for Teachers” are not limited for nursing/physical education facilities, but for all the teachers. We encourage family members and students to attend a lecture and learn about HSTi skeletal structures adjustment techniques and philosophies.

If you are interested, please contact us.  We will be delighted to share details with you.

Kodomo BA (Bone Adjustment for Children)  

Kodomo BA is a program open to children from infants to high school teenagers. It is supported by voluntary actions of HSTi members. 
Children with health and behavior concerns will be treated for improvement, and children with no current problems will be aligned to prevent future problems which may occur in the future. 
Our S2A (Skeletal Structures Adjuster) will also advise parents and family members on simple adjustment point(s) to work at home, which help their children's body get well faster instead of waiting for the next Kodomo BA. S2A will also advise how to take care of them when they fall down and hit their body at home.

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