Monday, March 28, 2011

【ROLL 】ゆらし

HSTi Skeletal Structures Adjustment applies a technique called "ROLL". It has a very important role for the adjustment.

We check client's body at standing, sitting and prone positions before setting any equipments. After checking, we roll his or her body. Just by this rolling, sometimes contortions would disappear. 

When some shocks has given to the body, bones make contortions, and other related bones also make contortions to balance out the whole body. This roll technique has a role to "reset" and/or "loosen up" the skeletal structures. 

Roll in prone position is to be done at HSTi bed, however, there are ways to do it at home.

On your own:
Stand, open your feet in shoulder length, and roll the body counter clockwise like doing hula hoops. You can do this as many times as you like.

With another person:
A receiver to sit in a chair, cross the arms in front of the chest, then a giver grabs the shoulder of a receiver from behind, and roll back and forth

When you have back ache, headache, shoulder pain, try above rolls to loosen up the body.

We have a client who is a school teacher, and teaches specializing pronunciations. Although there's a school rule that teachers can not touch children, I said, "Try rolling to kids! They will relax." He certainly tried, and said that a kid who had difficulty saying certain pronunciations because a tongue was so intense, improved with a relaxed tongue after rolling. He said to me, "I was so amazed that the kid's tongue was so relaxed just by rolling." Ever since, he encourages rolling.

Isn't our body wonderful!

When we do "Bone Adjustment for Children", we roll in sitting position. I said to one, "Do it to your mommy.", then the little kid went behind the mother, and started to roll holding her shoulders with little hands, then came to me and did the same.

I strongly believe that these kids, who are now participating in "Bone Adjustment for Children" with their parents, in future, will be able to do the adjustment to their family.

Do rolling at home to your children, to your partner. Your body will be relaxed and feel better. Start today!

by Sadami Kanekodan (Mrs.) 兼箇段禎美
HSTi Shuttle Care, Okinawa, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク

Saturday, March 26, 2011

HSTi for Strong Immune System/免疫力

  • When skeletal structures are in correct balances, the body fights virus and germs (and other things attack immune systems) much better.  A difference between someone frequently catching cold or stomach virus etc. and one doesn't is on skeletal structures conditions.  A balanced body stays healthy without frequent common infection and other problems. 

  • Our body is created quite well, and it works fine sometime even when it requires repairs. This could also mean that by the time problems on body and mind surfaced, the cause of the problem has been there for quite a long time. This is why it is a smart choice to align skeletal structures before conditions appear to prevent future problems.

  • Human body is created to be able to get mended without adding or subtracting anything. HSTi can improve any condition with its original and genuinely natural techniques.

  • One of the unique concepts of HSTi is we observe everything in totality. We do not only treat a problematic area, but search real causes of the problem relating with another parts of the body. We do not see one part to another separately. We also believe connections between body and mind. That is why there are already many people who have experienced healing by HSTi even after they were told there is no hope.

HSTi Skeletal Structures Adjustment techniques from Japan is 
gentle and pain free treatment.
It's for anybody and everybody, infants to elders.

Anyone can have a healthy body which does not fall sick.
Every one of us is a member of the Earth.
“Healthy Body and Mind”  =  “Healthy Future of the Earth”

HSTi for Children/こどもたちのために

"Is Skeletal Structures Adjustment necessary for a child???"
"My child has absolutely no problem. Why does he need Skeletal Structures Adjustment?"

BECAUSE of their youth, possibilities and long life ahead, we do recommend HSTi Skeletal Structures Adjustment for every child. HSTi can help to bring out their unlimited POTENTIAL to the MAXIMUM!

♡ Do children have contortions on their skeletal structures?

Yes, most of them do! Are you surprised?
They stumble and fall down, slip while running, bump their head, elbows and knees, you name it! Any external shocks on their body while they are learning to stand, walk or playing most likely causes contortions.

♡ Why do bones contort?

We predict natural/virginal delivered babies do not have contortions on their skeletons at the time of birth. That is HSTi's specific theory. After the birth, the skull and other part of skeletal structures may become contorted by various reasons, such as c-section, forceps/suction usages, Kristeller maneuver  etc. Also from any kind of external shocks on the body (i.e. falling down, hitting head and being in a car when a brake is suddenly slammed,  etc.) while growing up are causes of contortions.
Absorbing shocks by contorting is one of the natural and superior roles of bones. That's how huge problems are prevented.
What if you fall and hit your back, and ribs broke and spear an organ? Can you imagine what will happen to you?

♡ What happens when bones contort?

"Skeletal Structures" are the paths of nerves and rails of muscles. When bones contort, communications between nerves malfunction, ranges of joint movements become narrow and muscles will be twisted along with the base. An example of such condition is allergies. Its root cause is bone contortions, and it triggered an overreaction of immunity. Contortions of the skull may directly affect the brain, and it can cause developmental disorder, learning and language development deficiency, etc.

♡ What if contortions are left alone? 

Once bone is contorted, it won't align itself. Contortions may become larger but never smaller or disappear. They shouldn’t be left alone. Even slight or/and big accidents in everyday life such as bumping your elbow or head to serious injuries and even auto accident will become the cause of various malfunctions and problems.

HSTi Skeletal Structures Adjustment techniques from Japan is gentle and pain free.
It's for anybody and everybody, infants to elders.

If you have any concern about your children’s physical and mental well being,
or even simple behavior concern, please consult HSTi.

Let’s gift a healthy body which does not fall sick to our children.
Every one of them is a member of our future!
“Healthy Body and Mind”  =  “Healthy Future of the Earth”

HSTi to prevent body and mind health issues/心身の不調の予防

HSTi Skeletal Structures Adjustment can do a lot for children!
Strengthens immunity,  prevents Not-Yet-Surfaced illness & condition, improves current concerns and even behavior issues.

It's better to build fences on the edge of a cliff than to build a hospital below the cliff.
Wouldn’t you agree also?

Let their dream come true.
Let them bloom all the way in their life.

Children improve very fast compare to adults.
Their bones are very flexible and hand techniques can be used.


You see the differences?
It’s only a matter of 10 minutes.

Related articles:

HSTi’s Vision/HSTIのビジョン

HSTi's vision is:  "build a solid system to prevent illness"  for fulfilling each and every person's dreams without worrying about health issues.

Everyone has dreams want to achieve and there are a lot of important things in our life, family, friends, general everyday need, hobbies, education, career, money and so on. All of these will be fully enjoyed, when you are truly "HEALTHY". We would love to see everyone with a body which does not fall ill and enjoy life at the maximum.

Now!  Let us introduce our operations/programs to achieve our vision!

For Grown-ups

HSTi Skeletal Structures Adjustment
HSTi treatment facilities are available in various locations for your healthy and happy living and enjoy all you want to do to build your life.

HSTi as a brand New First Aid
We encourage everyone to learn HSTi Basic Techniques just as everyone should know basics of first aid and CPR, and you can take care and maintain health of your family members and friends.

Training Courses
We have several level courses available for those who want to become a S2A (Skeletal Structures Adjuster) like Mo & To and over 1000 members in several countries.

For Children
Our Future is in their hands! 

(obHSTi is a program for mothers and babies)
Just as everyone knows, babies grow inside of mother's womb. A mother with contortion free skeleton will have healthy organs that includes uterus. We recommend ladies to receive HSTi Skeletal Structures Adjustment to prepare for healthy growth of babies and natural & smooth delivery.

The most natural way for a baby to be born is through a birth canal. Yet depending on conditions/situations, sometimes other methods are often adopted. When skull of a baby didn't have a chance to be squeezed naturally, and moderately to get exact tightness at the time of birth, that is also considered contorted. Just like a tightly stretched rubber band, his/her skull remain stretched. This means the brain is in a tensed container. The brain continuously receives signals to stay tense and up tight, so the behavior of the person will be, needless to say, tense and uptight. 
Right after the birth, if his/her skull is gently treated with HSTi techniques, he/she will have much much less health and behavior problems.

Most of illness and discomforts have roots in common babyhood/childhood incidents such as falling off from a bed, falling down from a tree, falling while riding a bicycle, a ball hitting face/head hard etc. This includes incidents without fractures, cuts or open wounds. Children spend many hours in school, and naturally a lot of incidents could happen while they are playing or otherwise.

So here... we are introducing "eHSTi" program, HSTi in educational scenes. We have been working to build a system for children to receive HSTi treatments right after an incident/accident, and not wait until years later. Also receiving skeletal structures adjustment at early ages is so much better than after growing up with contorted skeletal structures and started to experience health issues. 

We believe when eHSTi is implemented in school systems, children will grow up to be adults and be free from illness and pains such as migraines, backaches etc. We would like to encourage implementation of HSTi to be in every and each school for happy and healthy future of children all over the world.

 “eHSTi Program Lectures for Teachers” are not limited for nursing/physical education facilities, but for all the teachers. We encourage family members and students to attend a lecture and learn about HSTi skeletal structures adjustment techniques and philosophies.

If you are interested, please contact us.  We will be delighted to share details with you.

Kodomo BA (Bone Adjustment for Children)  

Kodomo BA is a program open to children from infants to high school teenagers. It is supported by voluntary actions of HSTi members. 
Children with health and behavior concerns will be treated for improvement, and children with no current problems will be aligned to prevent future problems which may occur in the future. 
Our S2A (Skeletal Structures Adjuster) will also advise parents and family members on simple adjustment point(s) to work at home, which help their children's body get well faster instead of waiting for the next Kodomo BA. S2A will also advise how to take care of them when they fall down and hit their body at home.

Related articles:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

【Side ache 】脇腹痛

"About a week ago, I was skating and fell. Afterward I have been having ache in my right side. I got X-ray taken, but no crack. In addition,  my throat is dry since 3 days after the falling, my feet and hands are cold too. I am not feeling well afterward."

"How did you fall?"

"I was trying to avoid hitting a kid, and rolled over my body having my bended arm attached to my side."

Having heard the situation rang bells to me! Humerus and cervical vertebra are related. He hit his arm which resulted dry throat. His hands and feet are cold because blood was not circulating enough to end because his neck is contorted. He had large contortions in his lower ribs, so as his right arm. 

"It is very painful when trying to stretch on the side and to bend my body, laying down is also painful."

Starting with very little roll, otherwise too painful, I aligned lower ribs,  fibula, right arm, side skull and cervical vertebra. The last roll, compared to the first one, was much bigger move, getting up from the bed, still slow, was more smooth.

"How do you feel?", I asked him.

He moved his body a little, and then "Well, I can move my body more, still have some pain, but much better, neck as well!"

"Good, there are several places where you hit your body, and I found large contortions!"

"I see, comparing right and left lower rib cage, there is dent on the right one."

"Yes! It is because you hit the area severely. The contortions are quite large, and your arm is still strained, so you would need more adjustments."

In his case, the contortions are large, so that he is going to come back again for more sessions.

By Kenji Sakurazawa (Mr.) 桜澤健二
HSTi Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

【Temporomandibular joint】顎関節症

Client: Ms. A in her 20's

"I cannot eat anything..."
Ms. A could only open her mouse to put one of her finger. She was diagnosed as temporomandibular joint(TMJ) 4 years ago, and she has been having strong pain sometime.

Her history of injuries is:
10 years ago - hit left cheek at school desk
 5 years ago - hit forehead at a car accident

Checking her body, I found large contortions on her skull. Side skulls are twisted so that levels of both of eyes and ears are different. Jaw is hanging from side skulls, and when side skulls have contortions,so as jaw, which might create pain and/or misaligning of teeth.

Starting from head, I aligned her neck which had made contortions from the car accident, then ribs in the end.
After the session, Ms. A opened her mouth gingerly saying, "It is not painful at all, I can't believe it!"

There are still related contortions, so that she comes regularly, and the more she comes, the less pain in her neck. She is very happy that levels of both eyes and ears are becoming the same.

If you are having problems with your health, please visit us near by.

By Tetsuro Yogi (Mr.) 与儀哲郎
HSTi Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク

Friday, March 11, 2011

【Numbness in leg】足の痺れ

Mr. A used to do martial art, and naturally had lots of injured history. When he came, his conditions were back pain, shoulder pain, eye strain, knee pain, numbness in right leg, pain in twist...

He has been twisted his both ankles, broken right leg, bruises in head, face, back, and lower back...

His body was leaning on to the right side, and toward front, and I could see lots of large contortions.

I started to work with his leg to try to get rid of the pain and numbness, which seems to be his major complaints by aligning lumber vertbra, lower rib and upper rib, and skull (related lines to the lumber and ribs), sacrum, right and left femurs, and right ankle.

I asked him to stand up when it is all done, then he goes, "Wow, I feel so light!"

When he came for the second time, he told me that there's no more numbness in his leg, and back pain is improved.

Think that your bones are like your bowl. When shocks are received by bruises and/or injuries, bones make contortions absorbing the shock in order to balance out the whole body, so that what is in the bowl, nerves and organs, will not be damaged. It is ideal to align the contortions right after they happens, and when not, our body balances out by making contortions of related  ones. It is obvious that more bruises and/or shocks you have, the more contortions (= pain in your body) you may have. However, when the contortions are aligned, pain disappears. 

Align contortions of your skeletal structures to maintain healthy body. We, Skeletal Structures Adjusters, align your skeletal structures gradually and gently. We sincerely want to help more and more people to be happy with healthy body.

By Shoko Hokama (Mrs.) 外間尚子
HSTi Center Core, Okinawa, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク

How to prevent/improve Osteoporosis 骨粗しょう症対処法

HSTi Original Method for Preventing Osteoporosis
Let’s strengthen cartilages by “sucking on lemon pieces”!!!

Among many of our clients, there are some diagnosed as having osteoporosis or ones with portent of having it. Osteoporosis is a quite common condition nowadays, but preventions and treating methods of osteoporosis are not very certain. Therefore, we are going to introduce HSTi’s original method.

HSTi was developed based on the Chiropractics as its base, and we move bones to align in the right positions. But bones with osteoporosis move too easy, sometimes only by placing a finger lightly on them. It is not possible to adjust the entire skeleton in such a condition to stabilize each bone in correct place. So first thing we must try is to strengthen bones.

The reason for unstable bones is not because the bone density is lowered and bones are hollow. It is because cartilages between bones have become soft and weak. So before adjustments, cartilages must be strengthened to stabilize bones. Soften and misaligned cartilages will also cause pains and difficulties by pressing the nerves.

In HSTi, we do not recommend common calcium supplements. According to the reports from Orthopedic Surgeons, osteoporosis cannot be treated only by generals ideas such as “BONE = Calcium”.

Here is how: 
First of all, all the sweets should be stop consuming, cakes, cookies, carbonated drinks...... Whatever sweets should be abandoned. Sugar destroy calcium from inside. Even if you are consuming all the nutrients good for bones, in-taking sugar at the same time ruins all the good efforts.
Cut up a lemon in 16 pieces and peel, put 1/16 piece in your mouth and let the nutrients absorb from the membrane inside of the cheek. Do not eat the lemon piece, and just suck on it for 3-4 min at a time every 3-4 hours every day. 

Younger people will surely feel the differences in one week. In 2-3 weeks, even osteoporosis patients can feel the results of lemon sucking. After the cartilages became steady and strong, we can start adjusting bones by HSTi techniques.


Now, why is this method effective for osteoporosis? Nutrient such as vitamins – according to the American Medical Society’s reports – works the best when it is consumed every 3 to 4 hours. Also when the nutrient of lemon is directly absorbed from the membrane inside of the cheeks, they reach the heart within 30 seconds and amazingly 90% of it can be absorbed. If it is absorbed through the digestive system, it takes over 2 hours to reach the heart after being digested and became small food particles, and the effect will be reduce to 1/8. 

This is why we ask you to suck directly to absorb the nutrient from lemon pieces, instead of to eat to let it go through the digestive process.

If you do not like lemons, you can use broccoli or acerola... or even something else contains high volume of vitamin C that you can purchase in your country... such as amla in India, seaberry in China, cam cam in Peru... whatever.
If you know anyone has problems with osteoporosis, please let them know about our methods. We would love to see more happy people living life filled with hopes.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

【Eye strain】目の疲れ

Client: Mr. Y in his 40's

Mr. Y's has had eye strain, neck pain and shoulder pain.

When he gets up in a morning, his neck makes strange sounds and is very tight.
He sits in front of computer for a long time, and the long lasting posture seems to be one of the causes of his current conditions.

At his very first session, I aligned side skull, rib, and cervical vertebrae, slowly and gently. He felt his neck and shoulder were lightened after that.

Later on, I received a happy email from Mr. Y.


After the first session, my neck is better, still have tension in neck and shoulder, but funny sound in a morning seems to be less, and shoulder ache during a day is much better.

Moreover, eye strain have improved very much, especially my right eye. My right contact lenses used to get cloudy in the early evening due to eye boogers, but now it is clear till I take out at the end of the day, which means, I suppose, my left one is not as tired either. No cloudy contact lenses, and less eye boogers now.

Looking forward to comimg back for another session!


By Tetsuro Yogi (Mr.) 与儀哲郎
HSTi Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク

Sunday, March 6, 2011

【Neck pain】【Migraine】首痛/偏頭痛

Client: Female in her 50's

Main cocerns: Neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, migraine

"I was introduced by a relative who is your client. I have severe neck pain, shoulder pain, and migraine..."

She had hit her head (top part) in a bathroom in the past, and her side skulls had large contortions. 

"Did you hit your head quite hard?"

"Oh, yes!!!, and when I was little, I think that I have hit my head quite often. I do not know if they are related."

"Of course! Your old bruises remain in your bones as contortions, and that they will let you know where you have hit."

After our first session of aligning side skills, fibula, femur, sacrum #1, back skull #1, and rib #1, she goes, "My neck feels so much better! This is great!"

Because she hit her head quite hard, her neck bone had contortion to make balance. Her cervical vertebra #1 had a large contortion, but because the original cause was on her head, after having aligned her head, the neck contortion disappeared. Contortions on cervical vertebra tend to cause migraine, and in her case caused neck pain.

I told her that I think her migraine would be improved after the first session.

When she came back for her next session, she was saying, "My neck has not been better, and less migraine now!"
I did skull, rib, and cervical vertebra this time, and asked her to stand up.

"My head is feeling much better now! Neck feels absolutely fine as well! What was it before???"
Lately she has not have migraine, and her neck feels a bit of pain only after long hours of working at computer, but that also disappears soon after.

By Kenji Sakurazawa (Mr.) 桜澤健二
HSTi Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Original article found here in Japanese 日本語リンク